Are You Chaldean? We Need Your Help! Stand Up & Be Counted.
Register Yourself & Any Chaldean Friends Or Family Members. We Need Your Help.
Stand Up & Fight To Unite The Chaldean Community
The Issue
Our Chaldean Community is being divided. The county of San Diego Independent Redistricting Commission voted to approve the separation of Rancho San Diego from El Cajon and the rest of East County. They undercounted the Chaldean Community and this weakens our voice and divides our community.
The Chaldean Census is organized and led by the Chaldean Coalition, a non-profit volunteer organization that aims to protect and enrich the Chaldean community and their businesses.
How You Can Help
It is simple: let us know you exist. Tell your Chaldean friends and family members to visit this website and provide their information. Stand up and fight to make sure our voices are heard and our community is not divided and underrepresented.